Thursday, September 4, 2008

Week 1

I like to travel and see other countries and cultures but when I am home, I am a homebody. I have been to all 50 of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Hong Kong, China, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Austria, Liechtenstein, Greece, Crete, Germany, Berlin (when the wall was still up), and Morocco. I have and am willing to go by car, bus, train, motorcycle, plane, hot air balloon, ship, sail boat, kayak, inner tube, ferry, bike, horse, snow machine, sled, wagon, trike, or four wheeler. I'll even hike if I have to!
I started my military career in the Air Force and now am in the Navy Reserve and have only 1 1/2 years left until I can retire. My husband of 25 years is retired from the Air Force where he was a cop and now he is a teacher. My son transferred to the Navy after 6 years in the Air National Guard (where he did one tour in Iraq). My daughter is in the Montana Air National Guard and is on her way to Iraq on September 16. My dad was in the Army during WWII and 7 of my 9 siblings have been in one branch or the other of the military. I come from a family that believes in our country and what it stands for and we are willing to fight for the freedoms we enjoy.
I am a Christian and a conservative and believe in what our founding fathers built this country on but not necessarily what it has become. I try to keep up with the news and take my responsibilities of being informed, voting and being involved very seriously. I am hard headed, opinionated, I cry at movies and I am afraid of heights. I like to celebrate every one's birthday and call all of my friends and sing to them even though I can not carry a tune. I laugh a lot and read all of the funny stuff in Reader's Digest before reading any of the articles. I enjoy Sudoku and logic problems but can never think of the words for a crossword puzzle and word searches bore me. I usually read for enjoyment only and like action thrillers, espionage, adventure and good comedies. I am a vegetarian when the salad is fresh and crisp and a carnivor when the steak is rare and tender. I don't think of myself as creative but I appreciate what others are able to do.
I probably have about 2 years left before I will have my teaching degree and hope we stay in one place long enough for me to finish my classes. I am the student government advisor, teach preschool, am an aide in the elementary class, and also in the high school class. I really enjoy working with all of the students and having the opportunity to see what students are like at all levels. Although our school only has 24 students, K-12, they are at every level developmentally and socially. So far, I think that I would like to work with 3rd graders if I am ever in a traditional school setting.


skipvia said...

Wow. I thought I had traveled a lot. I can finally claim all 50 states as of last year, but my foreign travel can't match yours. What an education for you.

cherylt@ed329 said...

I love traveling as well. I can only hope that my life will bring me to many of those countries you have been blessed to see.

JessieD329 said...

Alice, I think I can do this now. Please please go through. You are a traveler and all of the above. I am so glad you are in my classes because you're so helpful.